Similar words: correlative, correlation, perfect correlation, positive control, positive charge, decomposition, decomposition reaction, correlate. Meaning: n. a correlation in which large values of one variable are associated with large values of the other and small with small; the correlation coefficient is between 0 and +1.
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91) A significantly positive correlation between Hillreaction activities and ureide contents in young stems was Observed.
92) There is a positive correlation between NF - κ B and Ki 67, NF - κ B and Blc - 2.
93) The strongly positive correlation between population mean and population variation decreased significantly compared the cysts per plant with transformed resistance value.
94) CAT activity and irradiation dosage had significant positive correlation, dissoluble sugar and irradiation dosage had significant negative correlation.
95) The cluster analysis by UPGMA indicated that there was a positive correlation between the genetic distance and geographic distance of different A. hygrophila geographic populations.
96) Some main effect QTL and epistasis were commonly detected among PSES, PDES and PES, explaining the high positive correlation between them.
97) Most of reported results show that there is some positive correlation between Q value and ray path of seismic waves.
98) Temperature, PAR and CO 2 density had positive correlation with Pn and Tr.
99) The turnover tax and income tax have a negative correlation with the economic growth in China, a positive correlation with GDP and inhabitant saving.
100) Besides[], quality of information disclosure has a positive correlation with the listed company's ownership percentage that the actual controller owns and a negative correlation with control hierarchy.
101) Overall results confirmed a strong positive correlation between psychopathy scores and accuracy of victim identification.
102) Results The Symptom Inventory has positive correlation with the total standard points of SAS and SDS.
103) CONCLUSION There is positive correlation between the thickness of endometria and incompletely induced abortion by drugs.
104) Single-variable test shows that excess earning of stock price has a high positive correlation with return ratio on net assets, but a weak correlation with audit opinion type.
105) There is a significant positive correlation between service quality and customers'satisfaction.
106) Conclusion: the relationship between nocturnal penile tumescence in extent and time and nitrous acid concentration changes in urine is positive correlation.
107) The reason for positive correlation between the plasma ANF contents and serum cholesterol is probably that ANF can inhibit the change from endogenous cholesterol to pregnenolone.
108) Through generalized ridge estimator model, we obtain that average tuition and training expense, nation allocation per student respectively have negative and positive correlation.
109) It shows negative correlation between internal returns ratio and well depth, and positive correlation between interval returns ratio and daily production of single well.
109) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
110) ACCP presented positive correlation with IgA - RF , IgG - RF and IgM - RF by Spearman relativity analysis.
111) The biomass of fanwort has significantly positive correlation with transparency, and its biomass and dominance has markedly negative relationship with dissolved oxygen in the water.
112) Activity of catalase, polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase tendenced similarly in lake sediments, and there was a significantly positive correlation between oxidoreductase and hydrolase.
More similar words: correlative, correlation, perfect correlation, positive control, positive charge, decomposition, decomposition reaction, correlate, relative density, correlated, postpositive, positive, interrelationship, appositive, positively, positiveness, postposition, relative, position, relatively, relative to, international relations, supposition, opposition, apposition, composition, exposition, imposition, deposition, positional.